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User generated content

Monitor and publish user generated content found using both #hashtags and relevant social media accounts.

Hashtag search

Hashtag search can find all non-private content on Twitter and Instagram.


Stop spam and choose the highlights to you taeggie with our moderation tools.

Follow reports

Easily follow the user generated content with our weekly email reports.

Publish easily

Easily publish user generated content on your web site or event screen.

"Taeggie is our social media lifesaver. Amazing tool!"
Svante Suominen, Web-Veistämö Oy
"Strong recommendation! You have developed a great tool, and before anything else, an easy-to-use one!"
Jaakko Kantola, source.fi
"We use Taeggie daily to check our #hits and put increase the heat if the hashtag world cools down. Weekly reports are a useful new feature!"
Eeka Mäkynen, Tuska Festival
"Brilliant service! Social media content from Taeggie is a great addition to our Maatilarahoitus website. Recommended."
Tero Fordell, Fundu


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Start a free trial

Free for first 7 days, cancel at any time. Requires a credit card or a billing address.

Start a trial

Contact us

If you have an questions, do not hesitate to email us.

[email protected]

Try with demo account

You can also acquaint yourself with our product using shared demo account.

Demo account resets every 60 minutes.


Take a look at our documentation.
