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Story Taeggie

Bring Instagram stories to your website!

Taeggie, but for stories

With Story Taeggien the fast updating Instagram stories are displayed on your site just like on native Instagram.

Stories remain visible for 24 hours from posting. When there are no stories, links to your social media channels are displayed instead.

Someseinä nettisivullesi!


"Taeggie is our social media lifesaver. Amazing tool!"
Svante Suominen, Web-Veistämö Oy
"Taeggie brings our social media channels together stylishly on our website. The reports make it easy to follow the development of our social media channels."
Juho Manninen, NHLWAM

Our clients

Start a free trial

Free for first 7 days, cancel at any time. Requires a credit card or a billing address.

Start a trial

Contact us

If you have an questions, do not hesitate to email us.

[email protected]

Try with demo account

You can also acquaint yourself with our product using shared demo account.

Demo account resets every 60 minutes.


Take a look at our documentation.
